We gather in the Welcome Center on the 2nd Floor of the center. The tour lasts about 1 hour, and afterwards many visitors like to walk to their favorite downtown Wilmington restaurant for lunch. Touring the Center is a great way to learn about what we do, meet our partners, check out the transformation of the old jail tower, and find out more about volunteer opportunities! Submit a completed sign up form online, or email Christy to set up another date. For directions and parking click here.
TourS of the Center
FIRST ThUrSDAY & Third Tuesday
in november | 12 - 1 PM
Bundle Your Generosity
Become a Platinum, Gold, or Silver Annual Sponsor by bundling Teeing Off Golf Tournament (Sept. 16), with Thankful Hearts Breakfast/Lunch (Nov. 21) and/or A Day in the Country (Apr. 24, 2025). We are grateful to our business partners who support the work of the Harrelson Center and look forward to supporting you, too, all year round. Because of you, we are able to focus on the people in our region every day. Bundle Sponsorship Information
A Day in the country
April 24, 2025
The 12th annual A Day in the Country will be held from 10AM - 5PM, on the expansive 850 acres of Genteel in Atkinson, NC. Enjoy skeet shooting, archery, fishing, live bluegrass from Masonboro Sound, and lunch provided by MOI, all while raising essential funds.
Teeing off with the Harrelson Center
September 15, 2025
Join us for the 9th annual Teeing Off with the Harrelson Center & Partners Golf Tournament at Magnolia Greens Golf Club in Leland, NC. This collaborative event supports 40 Harrelson Center nonprofits and features a ladies division!
Registration begins at 8:30 AM followed by a shotgun start at 10 AM.
14th annual thankful hearts Breakfast and Lunch
NovEmber 20, 2025
Our annual Thankful Hearts Breakfast and Lunch, presented by SouthState Bank, provides significant funding to operate our centralized humanitarian services campus of nonprofit organizations that bring hope, opportunity, and empowerment to our community. We celebrate the week before Thanksgiving to welcome the spirit of the season.